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Default having been made in the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid in a certain Deed

of Trust, Assignment of Leases and Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing executed on May 21, 2021,

by Boulevard Terrace SNF Realty LLC, Glen Oaks SNF Realty LLC, Boulevard Terrace Healthcare LLC, Glen

Oaks Healthcare, LLC, each a Tennessee limited liability company, individually and collectively as Grantor, to Old

Republic Title Company of Tennessee, Trustee as same appears of record in the Office of the Register of Bedford

County, Tennessee, recorded June 1, 2021, under instrument number 21004879, Record Book TD1009, Pages

494-531, the beneficiary being Sterling National Bank. Subsequently, the Deed of Trust, Assignment of Leases

and Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing was assigned by an Assignment of Mortgage executed on May

22, 2024 assigned the Deed of Trust from Webster Bank, N.A. as successor in interest to Sterling National Bank

to Momentum III LLC, which was recorded May 24, 2024, under instrument number 24003451, Record Book

TD1119, Pages 101-106 in the Register’s Office of Bedford County, Tennessee. Subsequently STONE, HIGGS

& DREXLER, P.C. was appointed substitute trustee by appointment recorded July 31, 2024, under instrument

number 24005061, Record Book TD1125, Page 475 in the Register’s Office of Bedford County, Tennessee;

and the owner of the debt secured having requested the undersigned to advertise and sell the property

described in and conveyed by said Deed of Trust, all of said indebtedness having matured by default in the

payment of a part thereof, at the option of the owner, this is to give notice that Stone, Higgs & Drexler, P.C., as

Substitute Trustee, will on Thursday, September 19, 2024 commencing twelve o’clock, noon, local time, at the

usual and customary location at the Main Entrance, Bedford County Courthouse, 1 Public Square, Shelbyville,

Tennessee 37160, and proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash or certified funds

ONLY, paid at the conclusion of the sale, the following described property to wit:

Situated in the City of Shelbyville, County of Bedford and State of Tennessee:

Beginning at an iron pipe, the northwest corner of the William M. Pietkewicz and Miriam K. Pietkewicz property

of record in Deed Book 177, page 450, the northeast corner of the Pamela Brasher property of record in Deed

Book 178, page 12 and the southwest corner of the property described. Thence N04°06’16”E 509.40 feet to an

iron rod in a fence corner, the northwest corner of the property described; thence S78°50’44”E 340.83 feet to an

iron rod; thence S77°05’44”E 16.26 feet to an iron rod 25.00 feet west of the approximate center of Glen Oaks

Road, the northeast corner of the property described, thence along said road, S24°07’44”E 428.75 feet to an

iron rod; thence S15°05’44”E 49.75 feet to an iron rod; thence S15°18’03”E 83.07 feet to an iron rod 25.00 feet

west of the approximate center of said road, the southeast corner of the property described; thence leaving said

road N79°33’07”W 131.78 feet to an iron rod; thence N84°03’22”W 202.14 feet to an iron pipe; thence N82°38’43

“W 89.55 feet to an iron rod; thence N82°10’00”W 90.12 feet to an iron pipe; thence N82°01’27”W 88.96 feet to

the point of beginning.

This being the same property conveyed to GLEN OAKS SNF REALTY LLC by deed from GSJ LIMITED

LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP of record in Instrument No. 19008153, Book D354, Page 219, Register’s Office of

Bedford County, Tennessee.

Property address: 1101 Glenoaks Road, Shelbyville, Tennessee 37160-2529

Parcel No. 078G-D-010.01 and 078G-D-010.00

This sale is subject to 2022 and 2023 Shelbyville city taxes, and 2021, 2022 and 2023 Bedford County taxes.

This sale is subject to 2015, 2021, 2022, and 2023 Shelbyville city personal property taxes and 2021, 2022 and

2023 Bedford County personal property taxes. This sale is also subject to 2024 City and County taxes, both real

and personal property, not yet due and payable.

The sale is subject to a permanent Public Drainage Easement in favor of the City of Shelbyville, a Municipal

Corporation of the State of Tennessee, recorded July 14, 2004, in Book D263, Page 498, in the Register’s Office

of Bedford County, Tennessee/.

This sale will erase the UCC Financing Statement in favor of Sterling National Bank recorded on June 1,

2021, under instrument number 21004881, Book TD1009, Pages 543-550, in the Register’s Office of Bedford

County, Tennessee. The UCC Financing Statement was subsequently amended on October 12, 2021 and

recorded under instrument number 21009166, Book TD1027, Pages 640-643. The UCC Financing Statement

was subsequently amended on September 20, 2023, and recorded under instrument number 23006322, Book

TD1097, Pages 546-549. The UCC Financing Statement was subsequently amended on September 25, 2023,

under instrument number 2514978, Record Book 2379, Pages 2615-2618.

This sale will erase the junior Notice of Judgment Lien lien in favor of Dixon Management Group, LLC d/b/a

SERVPRO of Belle Meade / West Nashville, recorded August 2, 2023, under instrument number 23005212,

Book L30, Pages 146-150, in the Register’s Office of Bedford County, Tennessee. The holder of the lien has

been given notice of the sale.

This sale will erase the junior Notice of Lien Claim in favor of Dixon Management Group, LLC d/b/a SERVPRO

of Bell Meade/ West Nashville, recorded April 6, 2023, under instrument number 23002319, Record Book L29,

Pages 584-586 in the Register’s Office of Bedford County, Tennessee. The holder of the lien has been given

notice of the sale.

This sale will erase the junior judgment lien in favor of AllPro Staffnet, LLC, recorded September 1, 2022,

under instrument number 22007278, Record Book L28, Page 567, in the Register’s Office of Bedford County,

Tennessee. The holder of the lien has been given notice of the sale

All right and equity of redemption, Statutory and otherwise, homestead and dower are expressly waived in

said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but will sell and convey only as substitute trustee.

The sale date and time may be adjourned and rescheduled, without additional newspaper publication, within one

year from the originally scheduled date, by announcement at the date, time and place of the new postponement

date and time in accordance with T.C.A. 35-5-101.

This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.


Substitute Trustee

By: Brittan W. Robinson, Attorney at Law (8293t)